Friday, December 18, 2015

My adventure to P.E.

Not only did the kids get to play a really fun game in P.E, but they got to have me playing right along with them! I had so much fun. The game their P.E. teacher came up with was called Crazy Penguin. I was the crazy penguin and had to stand in the middle of the circle and throw snowballs (small balls made from yarn) at them. If I hit them from their shoulders or below they were to be a crazy penguin with me. I hope they had as much fun as I did! What a great learning experience for me. I definitely plan on attending more of their specials so I can have fun learning right along with them.

Making our Christmas Wish List

Student Friendly: I can write words using the sounds I hear.

Snowman Fun

Great activity for fine motor skills. They had to take a cotton ball and pull it apart. You will also notice the small pieces that went into our snowmen. They did an amazing job at staying calm and asking for help if they needed it. Great learning activity for their patience!

More Christmas Art

We made ourselves as Santa's elves!

Getting our hands full of paint!

The kids love days when I tell them we are painting. Better yet, they love days when I say they will be getting paint put on their hands. I think the snowman ornaments turned out so adorable!

Christmas Gifts for Our Parents

Above you will see Christmas gifts in the making. We first glued Popsicle sticks to a piece of paper. Then we put another Popsicle stick across the top to create a hat for our snowman. Then we painted, let it dry, and added the snowman's eyes, nose, and mouth. We gifted them to parents as ornaments. They were a huge hit!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

November Field Trip

I must first apologize for being behind with my posts. In November we took a field trip to a farm about 20 minutes away from the school. The bus ride alone was a day-maker for the kids. It was amazing to see their faces light up just from getting to ride in the school bus.

At the farm, we were able to see all different types of animals such as cows and horses. The kids were shocked to see turkeys, ducks, chickens, and a goat. One student even told me that we were at a crazy farm because these animals don't belong at a farm! What a great learning opportunity. 

Besides seeing the animals, the students were put into a weighing mechanisms to see how much our class weighed. We topped the scale at 1006 pounds, as much as a cow! They of course thought that was awesome. One little boy even said that I didn't have to get on the scale because I'm beautiful no matter what. You just have to love kids!

To top off our day, the students were able to sit on a tractor and have their pictures taken! It was a perfect day. On our way home the students were given an apple from the apple trees that were at the farm. Many of them even fell asleep. It's tiring work touring a farm.

I apologize for not having any pictures. I was having so much fun that I forgot to take any!

Sight Word Bulletin Board

Recently we have been putting a huge emphasis on the students learning their sight words. The entire Kindergarten team agreed that the more they see it, the easier it will be for them to remember and learn them. I thought it would be adorable to incorporate our sight words into our holiday bulletin board. Due to testing, the kids weren't able to help me as much as I would've liked so instead, I let them put the glitter on the snow flakes (sight words).

Hand Turkey

The kids had a lot of fun creating hand turkeys. It was a great lesson to freshen up on our 5 senses as we got to talk about how it felt to have our hand painted. Most students agreed that it really tickled! 

Happy Thanksgiving!