Musical instrument made by one of the students in room 4.
We spent an entire week learning all about our 5 senses. On Monday we listened to six different objects that were inside of blacked out containers. The students then had to draw a picture of what they thought might be inside the containers. We then had a whole group conversation discussing the different sounds we heard before revealing what was actually inside. They loved this!
On Tuesday we smelled different objects. We had to use words to describe what we thought it smelled like before we could guess. Did is smell sweet or sour? Did it burn our noses to smell? Did it smell good or bad? Many of the students guessed the smells right away!
On Wednesday I put 10 objects on a tray to see. The students got into a line (this is a great way to practice standing in line with a bubble in our mouths and our hands behind our back) and walked by the tray. I then took away one of the objects and had the students walk back through trying to guess which object I took away. Some of my students surprised me as they knew each object I took away.
On Thursday we put our hands into paper sacks and had to describe what we were feeling. Was it soft or hard? Before we started, we discussed what different words meant like smooth or rough. It was a great activity to get kids talking and learning new words. I was surprised that some of them were so hesitant on putting their hands into a bag as they were scared of what was inside. To help, I also put my hand in the bag. If they were still hesitant, I did not push it.
And finally, on Friday, we were able to taste different foods. My kids begged me to buy Taki's, a spicy type of chip, as I had never tried them. If they sampled all the foods I brought for them to try, I promised I would try the Taki. The students sampled limes, bakers chocolate, different fruits, and some different flavored crackers. I then tried the Taki. It was unbelievably spicy! I guess that is what you get when you teach in the southwest. The students giggled as I started to sweat, but it was only fair as I laughed at their faces when they ate the lime.
I had a lot of fun learning with the students and getting away from paper pencils for a while. These students always seem to find a way to put a smile on my face.